Malvena Evans
Missouri Valley, Iowa, Teacher
Millie Field Lanyon
Omaha, Nebr.
Fay Hudson House
1205 E. John’s Ave., Decatur, Ill.
Mason Layton
Residence Unknown
Clarence Middleton
Modale, Iowa, Garageman
Margaret O1inger
Ruth Olinger
Honey Creek, Iowa, Teacher
Dryden Quist
202 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn.
V. W. C. A. Cafeteria Dir.
Luther Snyder
Residence Unknown
OF 1918
Glenn Hammer
Modale, Iowa, Rural Mail Carrier
Warren Fusselman
Residence Unknown
Bernice Hudson Wallace
Decatur, Nebr.
Gladys Johnson John
Modale, Iowa
OF 1919
Bertha Field Marion
Ogden, Iowa
Harold Imrie
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Fred Minton
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Vernon McQueen
Modale, Iowa, Garageman
Leslie Clifton
Wessington Springs, S. D.
Edna .Manning
Residence Unknown
Floyd Imire
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Beulah Middleton Comine
5265 Binnev St., Oaha, Nebr., Stenographer
Donald Mintun
Modale, Iowa, Elevator Employee
Esther Evans Day Oneida, S. D.
Pearl Arbaugh Browning Woodbine, Iowa
Dorothy Elliff
Modale, Iowa
Omaha, Nebr., Employee
Lola Olinger Hansen
Modale, Iowa
Elga McFerrin
Modale, IA., Professional Music
Loreen Elliff
612 N. E. Fifth, Fort Lauderdale, Fa., Teacher Millie Lee Snyder
Modale, Iowa
Alice Imrie Snuffin
166 Drake Court, Omaha, Nebr.
Cecil Stewart
Marshland, Nebr.
Leslie Ritchison
Council Bluffs, Railway Official
Gladys Olmstead
Estherville, Iowa
Georgia Alice Thompson Imrie
Modale, Iowa
Mildred Harker
York, Nebr., Nurse in Clinic Hospital
Raymon Evans
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Lois Field
Residence Unknown
Opal McManimie Thomas
Modale, Iowa |
Mabelle Logan Coffman
Orson, Iowa
Marie Olmstead
Moorehead, Iowa, Teacher
Melvin Harker
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Fred Fountain
3328 Charles St., Omaha, Nebr. Rubber Company Employee
Theo. Stallions
310 W. 29th St., Mt. Carmel, Ill. First man at Indian Service Station
Jean Frances Hanker Buchanan
5336 N. 25th Ave., Omaha, Nebr.
Beulah Hammer
Modale, Ia., Post Office Employee
710 So. 24th St., Apt. 2, Omaha, Nebr., Nurse
Fred Alexander
1831 Rose St., Regina, Sask., Can. Law Student at University of Sask.
Cecil Bair
2205 Ellison Ave., Omaha, Nebr, Prof. Musician
John May
Little Sioux, Iowa
Leone McFerrin
1206 Washington, Ann Arbor, Mich., Uni. Student
Florence Thompson Thomas
Modale, Iowa
Winifred Elliff
Nicholas Senn Hosp., Omaha, Nurse Training
Frances Kirlin
Modale, Iowa
John Kirlin
Modale, Iowa
Pearl McQueen
Modale, Iowa
Ralph Hansen
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Leslie Thomas
Magnolia, Iowa, Farmer
Paul Behm
Missouri Valley, Iowa
James Elias
Neola, Ia. Medical Student, University of Nebr.
Mildred Dugdale Vittitoe
Modale, Iowa
Mary Elliff
Modale, Iowa, Teaching
Wilma Farber Mintun
365 Lincoln Ave., Woodstock, Ill.
Helen Giddings
3003 Ave. A, Council Bluffs, Ia., Clerking
Engenia Hester Peasely
Modale, Iowa
Alan Gorthy
4113 Morningside Ave, Sioux City, Ia.,
Lawrence Kirlin
Omaha, Nebr., Creighton Student
Carl Little
Modale, Iowa, Farmer
Blanche Lockling Olinger
Blair, Nebr.
Theodore Olinger
Blair, Nebr., Farmer
Orval Parker
Denmark, Wis., Linotypist
Edna Piercy Herring
Modale, Iowa
Lawrence Piercy
Modale, Iowa
Neta Parker Hammer
Modale, Iowa
Ray Zahner
3944 Pine Grove St., Chicago, Ill. |