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     "Adam and Eva" is the name of the class play chosen by the Seniors this year. It is a comedy in three acts. It is a bright and amusing play on the American business man who has a genius for making money, but not a trace of talent for managing his own family. The story of a wealthy man, his extravagant family clinging dependently upon him, and apparently regarding him as bothersome except when he poises his pen above the checkbook. These relatives even arrange with his physician to have him go on a long trip, so that they may run up mills more freely. In comes the father's young business manager, who tells his employer how he would love a home. At this the father suggests that they change places for awhile; this they do. The young man soon finds himself confronted with bills for all sorts of ladies wearing apparel. In order to stop some of these bills he tells the family that their father's large rubber plant has failed, and they believe him. In diverse and humorous manners they meet the emergency. Of course it does them all good and brings out the best in them.
     The cast has been chosen, but it stands subject to change, if Miss Rannels, our coach and sponser, sees fit.


James King, a rich man
Corinthia, his parlor maid
Clinton De Witt, his son-in-law
Julia De Witt, his eldest daughter
Eva King, his youngest daughter
Aunt Abby Rocker, his sister-in-law
Dr. Jack Delamater, his neighbor
Horace Pilgrim, his uncle
Adam Smith, his business manager
Lord Andrew Gordon, his would-be son-in-law
Francis Husselstein
Bessie Giddings
Fred Hoare
Elsie Hilborn
Phyllis Alfrey
Constance Twomey
Tru Wilheim
George Kirlin
Maurice Sigler
Bud Evans


     This play was given by a picked cast from members of the athletic association earlier in the year. It was well given and showed very plainly the efforts of Superintendent Byrum, the coach. Each character was well chosen for his part and all did their best to make the play the success that it was. The proceeds went for basketball equipment for both teams.


Malvena Fitz
Nancy Fitz
Milton Fitz
Cousin Kate
Mrs. Bullock
Mr. Bullock
Dorothy Bullock
Hartley Bullock
Ernest Rench
Phil Cambgo
Mrs. Beonre
Irene Gore
Ruth Cobb
Ollie Giddings
Mildred Alexander
Cecile Soner
Merle Parker
Marjorie Olinger
Myron Sigler
Ross McFerrin
Harold Middleton
Lorraine Kincheloe


     "The Princess Chrysanthemum" was the operetta chosen to be given by the glee clubs this year. It is a tale of Japanese royalty. The princess is being courted by two princes. Both must win the favor of her royal Pa, who has a tendency to cut off the heads of all loyal subjects who fail to comply with his wishes. After a good many difficulties, in which many threats are made by his Royal Highness, everything ends happily, and great merrymaking is held in honor of the coining of age and wedding of the princess. Miss Wright is especially to be complimented with the success of this operetta, considering the inexperience of most of those participating.

The Cast

The Princess Chrysanthemum
To-To            Maidens attendant on the Princess
Yum-Yum           "             "          "   "       "
Du-Du                "             "          "   "       "
Tu-lip                  "             "          "   "       "
Fairy Moonbeam, the princess' good genius
The Emperor What-For-Whi, a merciful (?) monarch
Prince So-Tru, in love with the princess
Prince So Sli, also in love with the princess
Top-Not, the court chamberlain
Saucer-Eyes, the Wizard Cat
Phyllis Alfrey
Cecile Jones
Lorraine Kincheloe
Louise Bessire
Elga Parker
Opal Hillman
Tru Wilhelm
Dale Arnold
Bud Evans
Maurice Sigler
Fred Hoare


This was the play given by the juniors this year. It was a comedy with plenty of laughable situations and excellent dialogue.


Prof. John B. Wise (age 27)
Dr. Mathew Graham (age 54)
Billy Blake (age 20), student
Jupiter Jackson (a black trump)
Mrs. Iona Ford (some motheran-law)
Zoie (her daughter) .
June Graham (a little Freshman) 
Rosalind Wilson (college reporter)
Horold Middleton
Frank Hansen
Dale Arnold
Ray Motz
Leola Brown
Opal Hillman
Helen McQueen
Irene Gore

Time of playing 2 hours, 3 acts, and the stage setting appropriate but not radical.

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