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First Row: Frank Svejda, Bobby Lockling, Billy Lockling, Franklin Webber, Eileen Aleck.
Second Row: Marjorie Sheard, Marcella McCrillis, Vergil Davis, Betty Aleck, Margaret
     Jackson, Lillian Wiltse, Joy Griffith. John Svejda, Gerald Hester.
Third Row: George McQueen, Dean Ring. Velma Vittitoe, Nadine Cross, Director Miss
      Blesie, Gordon Dugdale, Clinton Ring, Marguerite Nelson, Claude Thomas.
Fourth Row: Duane Imrie, Geraldine Vittitoe, Betty Thomas, Harold Vittitoe, Victor Berg,
     DeLoma Anderson, Billy Lee, Lloyd John.


     The orchestra has been working hard this year, and it has progressed quite rapidly. We have had from four to six rehearsals each week. Our first public performance was at the Musicale on January 26th. The string section presented Christmas Carols preceding the Junior High Operetta on December 22nd, and the woodwind, brass, and percussion sections have furnished the music for the high school and Junior plays.

     A Pep Band was organized to stimulate enthusiasm at the basketball games. There were nine home games, and the Pep Band gave a fifteen minute concert before each one. The crowd seemed to enjoy the music, and we hope to continue our work next year.

     At the close of the year, awards will be given to all those who have done creditable work throughout the year.

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